In the blink of an eye, life can change forever when you are involved in an accident. And, if you have lost a family member or loved one in such a circumstance, you are all too familiar with the devastating consequences that inattention or carelessness behind the wheel can so quickly cause. Car accidents take the lives of hundreds of Kansans each year, and are the leading cause of brain and spinal cord injury, along with neck, back, orthopedic and neurological injuries.
Social Security Disability benefits are available under two separate programs, Disability Insurance Benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Disability Insurance Benefits are generally available to those who have worked at least twenty (20) of the last forty (40) quarters, or five of the last ten years. Through money withheld from your earnings, you earn credits and become eligible for benefits.
Only you understand the effect your injury has on your day-to-day life: from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to sleep at night. You may have difficulty in movement, unclear and irrational thoughts, stressful relationships with family and friends, your career may suffer, your finances may be breaking from medical bills and treatment fees. It may seem like there is no hope.
Accidents are one of the most abrupt and painful ways to experience the loss of a loved one. If your family member, relative, or unborn child has died as the result of another person’s negligence, inattention or carelessness, you may be able to recover compensation through a wrongful death claim against the responsible parties.
The safety of your child is always on your mind. When you put them in the trust of a school bus driver, you expect them to be safely returned to you at the end of the day. Sometimes, however, things go wrong. School bus related injuries are most likely caused by poor driving, poor bus maintenance or less than adequate district policies. If your child has been injured in a school bus accident, I can help you recover compensation from the responsible party.
Every product goes through many hands in the production chain, and mistakes can occur at all levels, from design to manufacturing. Tragically, serious injury or even death, can occur as a result of any of these mistakes. If you have been injured because an object or product was defective, manufactured with faulty materials or parts, designed unsafely, or didn’t carry adequate warnings, you may be eligible for compensation from the manufacturer.
Accidents can happen in lots of places – even in the homes of your friends and neighbors. If you slip on a neighbor’s icy front steps or your child becomes injured at one of their friends’ homes, you may be eligible for compensation from the homeowner or their insurance company for your pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, and other expenses.